Monday, March 16, 2015

Inactivating HIV! Gene therapy

An article I read titled " Protecting without a vaccine" provides a little more insight into IGT- Immunoprophylaxis by Gene Therapy. In a nutshell, the article uses a lot of technical and science jargon to explain this. A new treatment that works differently than an actual vaccine in theory, but giving the same type of result, would inactivate HIV in cells. Please read the article and pass along to people who would be interested with the information. Every day, we are getting steps closer to an actual cure. This will be tested to see its effect on more than just HIV including the flu and the ever so scary, EBOLA!

One love- Chris

Saturday, March 7, 2015

HIV costs/ The Importance of Getting Tested

So there are two articles that really were interesting to me this week that I received in my Google alerts. One being about the financial costs over a lifetime of someone with HIV. The other addressing the issue with new HIV infections. My general say for both of these issues is to get tested and be safe!

I am pretty sure my infection was transmitted from someone who was not actively taking medication or any treatment for their illness. I don't want to be the one to say this, but of course, that's what we are here for. My opinion on the matter is this. When you are taking care of yourself and being treated for HIV, the common sense of it all is that you are extremely less likely to infect someone. The fact that you can go into "remission" or basically, become un-detectable is my point in a nutshell. I don't know if I am the first one to say such a thing, but having a healthy T-cell count and an un-detectable viral load are, in a sense, a cure. It will make you less likely to pass the virus on to others, but should not make you think that it is OK to have sex without a condom. The problem with that is, so many people don't get the treatment they need soon enough. Again, you are not cured of HIV being that it is still in your body, and has the small chance of being passed on, but highly unlikely. If you don't get tested, and are not getting treatment for it, of course it will spread like wild fire. Example, what we see now.

There are now apps apparently, home tests, and free testing sites all over to find out your status. What I don't understand are people who would rather go on un-knowing, or un-treated. If you can be given the chance to live, why would you ignore that chance, yet continue to have the fear of HIV infection. Knowing very well, you could be infected simply because, you don't know if you are not infected.

Bad transition here, but to the financial point of it all. Imagine a world without HIV or AIDs and the costs on insurance and taking care of someone. If it was a non-issue, I am sure it could alleviate a lot of financial stress governments are facing. This is a win win for conservatives and non-conservatives alike. The thing with HIV and AIDs is that there are so many programs that are ran by donations that help and assist with this epidemic. So the fact that, this, and many other terminal illnesses, are not just paid for or taken care of through insurance. The support from the people is very important, and there are so many more people we could get involved. Just for the cause of HIV and AIDs, I am doing the AIDs Walk NY this year. This is run by GMHC and financial support goes through a network of support for the issue, and the community. Anything that could be done, can make the difference. It's annoying how people are scared to get infected, but will do nothing to make a difference in possibly getting infected. YOU can be that change. Make a donation today, spread the word, and do the little or the most that you can. Thanks for reading, supporting, and sharing.

One Love- Chris

Free Local Testing Sites

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fame and coming out

So this is just what I would do as a famous person. IMO I believe it is your perogative whether or not to reveal your sexual identity to the public. It is your private life and you may not care for people in your business, I totally get that. Now when it comes to people in the public eye, people who have power here is where it gets a little blurry. As you may know, the number one reason for teen suicide is the inner battle of their sexual identity and how to deal with it.  These teens feel so wrong for many reasons that they choose to take their own life. When it comes to a celebrity, I believe simply saying yay or nay to being gay or however you may identify, can be a difference in a look few lives. See, I'm not religious, but I will say that those blessed to be given the platform they are in should use the power they have for the betterment of the world. Simply having the youth see that their sexuality is not a bad thing to kill themself over will save lives and make a difference. You don't need to tweet or Instagram pics or stories of anything more than, I am gay (or bi, or whatever) and you don't need to take it further than that. Homophobia will continue to exist when you think, such and such will create a problem, what about the bullying they may encounter, or any of the other reasons. That idea continues to perpetuate the idea that is is an issue to be hush hush about. Even if a teen dealing with the issues doesn't come out themselves, it can change their way of thinking, knowing they are not alone. Knowing that their sexuality isn't going to hold them back in life because look at people like Lance Bass or Neil Patrick Harris. Regardless this is the WAC blog. Just keep this in mind for when you become famous lol.
" Andy Warhol said, in the future, everyone will be famous... For 15 minutes" - Mariah Carey
One love- Chris

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Killing Cancer With HIV

So I will be brief with this post. I was watching Vice on HBO, and learned something amazing. We have figured out a way to genetically alter strands of HIV to use for good.: killing cancer! I wish this had come about a couple of years ago, but I am so happy it's here regardless. And with more advances in science and technology, we are making large strides and steps to a cure for Cancer and HIV. Check out the episode and spread the information please. Do know, for advances like this in science, donating is important. Whatever you can give to a cause is always good. Many organizations help out in various ways, either directly helping those effected with these illnesses or funding for research, or awareness.

Here is where I will make a personal plug. As far as supporting the movement for HIV and AID's, I am doing the AIDs walk NY this year. I do have a hefty goal to raise but I really want to do it. Help out and spread the word. Anything you can give really does make the difference, and makes us that much closer to a cure. Spread the word, and join my team if you can. Let's end this for the betterment of our future.

One Love- Chris

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Update for the week and Re-itteration. HIV and AIDS are still epidemics

So HIV and AID's are still here, impacting over 35 million people worldwide. Usually, when something that doesn't directly affect you or your life, it isn't so important after all. The issue with HIV and AIDs is that it will indirectly affect your life whether you know it or not. There are many ways to get involved with  the cause by donating time or money, or both

I know that we can solve most of the worlds problems with some action. Now a days, its strange to find someone dying from HIV or AIDs considering all of the advances we have made in modern science and medicine. So within this past week two stories that inspired me came up in the news. The newest being the hope for a vaccine. You can check out the article I read here. It has only been successful while testing on monkeys, but financial support is what keeps these advances in HIV and AIDs medicine possible. There are the simple things you can do to help stop the spread of the virus, and eradicate it completely.

1. Get tested regularly- Knowing your status can make all the difference. Being able to address it, take the necessary steps to staying healthy, and stopping the spread of the virus beginning with you, whether you have been diagnosed or not.
2. Always practice safe sex! Whether they are moments of weakness or mis-judgement, you don't have to become a statistic. Black and African american people are hit the hardest with this disease  in America, the higher in that group being among STRAIGHT black women. Protected sex is your #1 defense against HIV and AIDs among other things that can be transmitted during sex.
3. Be a smart junkie. Now I am not advocating that you should be sharing needles or doing drugs. A good percent of new infections however have come from sharing needles. Sadly, this is the advice I can offer. At least I know throughout NYC there is the needle program. You are able to purchase syringes over the counter at participating pharmacies. This was an initiative enacted in part to help lower the transfer through drug use. You can check out this for a list of other states that participate.

There are a lot of things you can do to make a difference, but first thing is to take a step toward the change. This obviously isn't an epidemic facing only one group, or transmitted only one way. It is a smart disease and if we can outsmart it, we can win. Get involved in your community and any way you can, and spread this message of hope. 

I'll leave you with this ask. Can you support my efforts in the AIDs Walk NYC . This money goes towards research, direct help, and a lot more. The fight isn't a simple one but it is worth it. If you want, join my team and walk for the cause. Check out my page for more information.

One Love-Chris

Monday, February 16, 2015

Aggressive New HIV Strain - Call to Action!

So the way you thought about HIV before could be changing. It isn't a death sentenced like it was in the past, but with this new strain, that could change. The issue with a group studied in Cuba is that the strain they had was progressively getting worse. Read the article from Time magazine here.

Things like this is a major reason why my blog is up and out there, and I want to make a difference! And I want to keep people in the know. The AID's walk is something I do, being affected by HIV almost the past 3 years now. I also do it for the family I have lost, my family has lost, and to those who have lost their life, or are battling through it now. Even the smallest donation can make a difference. Help me with my goal to raise $1000 with as little or as much as you can give. Whether that is financially, your time in walking, or just spreading the word, everything matters and counts in this battle.

I am designing a t-shirt to help the cause. You can wear it for your everyday support. The purchase price will include the cost of the shirts, with the rest all  being donated to the walk to support the cause. We can make a difference. HIV and AID's should not be something anyone dies from and I want to be apart in making that difference.

One Love- Chris

Blog-Restart. Lets talk advocacy- AID's and more

I always come back to wanting to use my blog. I found a great name I like, I just haven't found a great purpose, until now. So... it's advocacy! Specifically for gay rights, AID's and HIV related issues, gay youth, coming out, and of course the random things I find interesting (World According to Chris).

So I started a tradition this year with my mom, talking everyday. Even if it was just to say hi, which it never is, I make sure I call her every morning. So after talking this morning she inspired me to do something great especially with a lot of this free time that I have. (and here is the background) She has a ministry, Second Chance Services, that feeds the homeless. It is still building, but she has fed hundreds of people, and with the help of others, she had her biggest event most recently on Thanksgiving day. There were several sites through out NJ that fed the homeless; lot's of man hours and money went into the event, ALL DONATED OR VOLUNTEERED. She said to me, you don't have to have money to start and do something great.

I figured with my web-savvy ways and social media influence, I can raise awareness on issues, and in turn raise money for great causes. So my goal now for the next coming weeks is to start a fundraising campaign for the AID's walk in NYC. Now I know a lot of people are doing something, but I want to be a contributing factor to it. My goal is to personally raise over $1000.00 and get 5 people to walk.

I know this is very possible with help, passion, and determination. I want to make a difference in as many ways as I can so to start, I have a lot of time I can be giving to the cause. Spread the word and if you live in NYC, stay tuned for more info regarding what you can do for the actual walk. I will be keeping you updated on my progress; site links for donations, educational and informative articles, and much more. Eventually I will also be posting about events and ways regarding the support to an end to homelessness, one mouth at a time. I believe through my mothers ministry, and with just 1 person, a difference can be made. Stay tuned #greatthingstocome